At the core of everything we do is the Universal Tennis Rating (UTR Powered by Oracle), the global gold standard for all tennis players which reflects their current skill level based on actual performance. It is the world’s only purely results-based rating system in tennis, which rates all players on the same 16-point scale regardless of age, gender or location. UTR is widely used throughout the tennis community by professionals, collegiate players, juniors and recreational players. It is the only proven rating system that allows you to track your progress in real time.
All tennis players can have a UTR, which is a real-time evaluation of skill level based on your actual performance. If you’ve played a sanctioned or competitive match, you may already have a UTR, and you can activate your profile. Otherwise, get rated by easily posting a score from a casual hit or by playing matches. Then use your UTR to understand your level, find play and track your progress.
Post scores anytime you play, from casual weekend play or any matches that are not already being recorded. Scores with at least 4 games to one player count toward your UTR
(not Verified UTR).